Michael R. Ford
Professor of
Public Administration
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Ford, M.R. (2023). Special Interest Group Influence in School Districts: Exploring the Impact of Locale. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
- Ford, M.R. (2023). Governing Concept or Political Buzzword? Contested Perceptions of Local Control. Journal of Public Affairs.
- Ford, M. (2022). Going Virtual: The Impacts of a Virtual Charter School Governance Reform. Public Performance & Management Review.
- Ford, M. (2022). Making People Matter: Moving Towards A Humanity-Based Public Administration. Administration & Society.
- Ford, M. (2021). A Little Representation Goes A Long Way: Minority Teacher Representation and District Performance in a Highly Homogenous Context. Public Organization Review.
- Ford, M. (2021). Considering Social Equity in a New Public Management Reform: Evidence from Milwaukee, WI. Public Integrity Journal.
- Henrekson, E., Andersson F., Wijkström, F, & Ford, M. (2020). Civil Society Regimes and School Choice Reforms: Evidence from Sweden and Milwaukee. Nonprofit Policy Forum.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2020). Uncontested: Electoral Competition in American School Board Elections. Journal of Educational Administration.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2020). Connecting Group Dynamics, Governance and Performance: Evidence from Charter School Boards. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2020). Reform Adoption in a Post-Collective Bargaining Governance Environment. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2020). Comparing School Board Governing Dynamics in Small Rural and Suburban Districts. Public Administration Quarterly.
- Ford, M. (2019). School Sector Mobility in an Urban School Choice Environment. Urban Education.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2019). School Board Member Strategic Planning Prioritization and School District Performance. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
- Ford, M. & Andersson, F. (2019). Sources of Isomorphism in the Milwaukee Voucher School Sector. Public Policy and Administration.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2018). Third Party Governance Training and Voucher School Performance. Journal of School Choice.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2018). Perceptions are Reality: A Framework for Understanding Governance. Administrative Theory & Praxis.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2018). Determinants of Priority Conflict on City School Boards. Urban Education.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2018). Linking the Distribution of Board-Executive Governance Responsibilities To Charter School Performance. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2017). Bridging the Charter School Accountability Divide: Defining a Role for Nonprofit Charter School Boards. Education and Urban Society.
- Ford, M. & Andersson, F. (2017) Taking Stock and Moving Forward: Lessons from Two Plus Decades of Research on the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. Journal of School Choice.
- Ihrke, D. and Ford, M. (2017). Board Development Practices on Public Versus Nonprofit School Boards: Is There a Difference? Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership.
- Andersson, F. & Ford, M. (2017). Entry Barriers and Nonprofit Founding Rates: An Examination of the Milwaukee Voucher School Population. Nonprofit Policy Forum.
- Ford, M. & Andersson, F. (2017) Determinants of Organizational Performance in a Reinventing Government Setting: Evidence from the Milwaukee School Voucher Program. Public Management Review.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2017) School Board Member Definitions of Accountability: A Comparison of Charter and Traditional Public School Board Members. Journal of Educational Administration.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2017). Board Conflict and Public Performance on Urban and Non-Urban Boards: Evidence From a National Sample of School Board Members. Journal of Urban Affairs, 39(1).
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2016) The Impact of Wisconsin’s Act 10 on Municipal Management in Smaller Municipalities: Views from Local Elected Officials. Public Policy and Administration.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2016) Differences in School Board Member Relations with Hired and Elected Superintendents: A First Look. International Review of Public Administration.
- Ford, M. (2016). Funding Impermanence: Quantifying the Public Funds Sent to Closed Schools in the Nation’s First Urban School Voucher Program. Public Administration Quarterly, 4(4).
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2016). Understanding School Boards and Their Use of Different Models of Governance. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 2(2), 67-81.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2016) Comparing Nonprofit Charter and Traditional Public School Board Member Perceptions of the Public, Conflict, and Financial Responsibility: Is There a Difference and Does it Matter? Public Management Review, 18(7), 972-992.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke D.(2016). Are we on the same page? Determinants of school board member understanding of group accountability perceptions. Public Organization Review, DOI: 10.1007/s11115-016-0350-6.
- Ford, M. & Andersson, F. (2016). Determinants of Organizational Failure in the Milwaukee School Voucher Program. Policy Studies Journal, DOI: 10.1111/psj.12164.
- Ford, M. (2016). Milwaukee Voucher School Leaders’ Views on Accountability: What Are They, and Why do They Matter? Leadership and Policy in Schools, DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2016.1181189.
- Ford, M, D. Ihrke, N. Grasse, & Brian Cherry (2016). Perceptions of Council Member-Department Head Interactions in Local Government. Journal of Public Affairs, DOI: 10.1002/pa.1597.
- Ford, M. & Andersson, F. (2016). Organizational Failure in the Hollow State: Lessons from the Milwaukee Voucher Experience. International Journal of Public Administration, DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2015.1053613.
- Ford, M. (2015). Governing for Results on a Post-Collective Bargaining Wisconsin School Board. Journal of School Choice, 9(4), 529-550.
- Ford, M. (2015). Nailing Shut the Policy Window: The Policy Evolution of America’s First Urban School Voucher Program. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 1(2), 97-99.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2015). School Board Member Definitions of Accountability: What are they, and Do they Impact District Outcomes? Public Performance & Management Review, 39(1), 198-222.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2015). Determinants of Conflict on Wisconsin School Boards. Public Policy and Administration, DOI: 10.1177/0952076715610414.
- Ford, M. (2015). A Faith-Based Advantage? Comparing the Academic and Fundraising Performance of Sectarian and Non-Sectarian Nonprofit Schools In Milwaukee’s School Voucher Program. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 26(1), 91-104.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2015). Do School Board Governance Best Practices Improve District Performance? Testing the Key Work of School Boards in Wisconsin. International Journal of Public Administration, 39(2), 87-94.
- Ford, M. & Ihrke, D. (2015). A Comparison of Public and Charter School Board Governance in Three States. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 25(4), 403-416.
- Andersson, F. & Ford, M. (2015) Social entrepreneurship through an organizational ecology lens: Examining the emergence and evolution of the voucher school population in Milwaukee. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, DOI: 10.1007/s11266-015-9576-0.
- Andersson, F. & Ford, M. (2014) Reframing Social Entrepreneurship Impact: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive Outputs and Outcomes of the Milwaukee School Voucher Programme, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6(3), 299-219.
- Ford, M. (2014). Changes in School Enrollment Patterns After the First-Time Release of School-Level Test Scores in Milwaukee’s School Voucher Program A First Look. Education and Urban Society, doi: 0013124514536439.
- Ford, M., & Merrifield, J. (2013). School Choice Legislation: Impact Assessment and Fiscal Notes. Journal of School Choice, 7(1), 37-60.
- Ford, M. (2011). School Exits in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Evidence of a Marketplace? Journal of School Choice, 5(2), 182-204.
Encyclopedia Entries
- Ford M. R. (2023). Board Dynamics and Meeting Management. Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership and Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Ford, M. R. (2020). School Boards. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Ed. Rosemary Papa. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.ORE_EDU-00717.R1
- Ford, M. (2017). Organizational Life Cycles. Entry in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, ed. Ali Farazmand.
- Ford, M. (2017). Population Ecology Theory of Organizations. Entry in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, ed. Ali Farazmand.